Conversational strategy accelerator
Whether you're looking to understand the impact of generative AI on conversational marketing, or to overhaul your multi-channel strategy, we have an intervention format designed for every challenge.
For us, cultivating these 3 commitments is both spontaneous and essential to respecting our approach as a conversational gas pedal for your brand.
Support from our experts throughout the process of setting up your conversational experience.
Evangelism, mentoring, discovery workshops, working on ROI models, Messaging Me opens the doors to Messaging.
We offer acculturation formats for C-Levels, your teams, your managers and, of course, yourself. The program: discover the potential of messaging by sharing the state of the art, key figures and in-situ demonstrations of live conversational experiences. The format can range from a 2-hour session to a seminar or mentoring lunch.
With the help of a facilitator, we prepare and run a one-day discovery workshop, during which we review the potential of messaging, focus on the chosen sector vertical, and end with a co-construction session to develop a V1 prototype of your conversational experience.
We carry out a complete mission to study the potential of messaging in relation to an issue defined together in advance, taking into account your existing channels, marketing actions already in place and a sector benchmark. A strategic roadmap based on an ROI model is then drawn up, enabling you to launch with full control over expected benefits, planning and resources.
Messaging Me delivers a 100% perfect design, from scripting the itinerary, writing the conversation in detail, producing the content and defining the tone of voice.
We define the conversational use case(s), then work iteratively to design mock-ups and decision trees. At least 2 thematic workshops are planned with our UX team, as well as a technical and legal review of the paths.
We study your current pathways and test all the proposed use cases in detail. We also use your reports and statistics to challenge the routes, the channel choices and the level of automation required, and to propose improvements as well as the discontinuation of a channel or the gradual transition to messaging.
On the basis of your IT legacy and defined use case, we guide you in expressing a functional need, and thus direct your choice towards the module of a technology already available, or the choice of a technical partner dedicated to messaging from among the best players on the French market, whose areas of expertise we master.
Messaging Me tests, re-tests, analyzes and supports your conversational activation to ensure long-term performance.
We work with you to set up an external communications plan to introduce your customers to the conversational experience, or to think about the location of access points for it. To facilitate adoption within the brand, we work with you to create an internal playbook to share the approach and its impact on the organization, thus facilitating adoption and success.
We carry out constant human testing of the conversational experience to ensure its performance over time, and to track the impact of platform evolutions. This bi-monthly testing is supplemented if necessary by automated testing. More generally, we can study the results of the conversational experience, from the content of conversations to the monitoring of the actions of agents in charge of message processing.
Tracking the conversational experience is key to making it evolve and complete, which is why we apply a post-launch Success Management approach to track, analyze and correct. On a weekly basis via a summary report for corrective action, and on a monthly basis via a copil to share consolidated results and associated recommendations for adjustments.
We're already working on the next step by designing a unique software interface for collecting Messaging data, the future Google Analytics of Messaging!
Whether you're looking to make a short-term assessment, design an experience for the next quarter, or develop an annual strategy, we have the right support formula for you.
We offer plug and play solutions for understanding, designing and converting.
We offer plug and play solutions for understanding, designing and converting.
Become a conversational "know-it-all" and understand its potential in 3 hours
Study your existing channels and IT to establish your conversational model
Use your data to assess the benefits of conversational communication and automation
Deploy the conversational approach on a standard use case with proven effectiveness
Scripting your end-to-end conversational experience
If messaging is by nature asynchronous, less than 30′ will be enough for us to reply ;)
Conversational strategy accelerator
©2023 Messaging Me