Messaging & Hospitality, a romance to be built

Messaging & Hospitality, a romance to be built

If there's one sector that's been transformed in recent years, it's hospitality. 

New concepts to meet the new needs of hybrid working, last-minute booking which has become the norm, integration of a responsible approach to purchasing and consumption: the challenges are numerous and the choices often bold on the part of industry players.

And yet, whether it's to meet these challenges or above all to respond to the basic challenge of strengthening the link with the "guest", providing him with more services and thus generating additional revenue, certain fundamental usage patterns seem to resist innovation.

This is where messaging can play an accelerating role!

The ease with which it can be deployed and its near-universal coverage, certainly when it comes to target travelers, make it an obvious tool on paper. In fact, paper is still king in many hotels and resorts, whether for information purposes or, more often, in the hope of an additional purchase on top of the overnight stay. 

Here's a quick selection:

  • Arrival form: printed out by reception when it's our turn, sometimes to be filled in by hand and never sent in advance, even when there's a wait.
  • Information on breakfast, hotel services: in a binder in the room or on a sign posted who knows where 🙁
  • The menu, back on paper or available in a basic PDF version for easy reading as in a lambda brasserie, even in premium hotels.
  • Children's activities that change every day, the theme of the evening or the next excursion that's just 2 people short - all these things are often completely invisible.
  • Final invoice: printed, then carefully placed in an envelope...
  • And in between, most of the time, there's no better way to get information than by disturbing an already overworked member of staff, or by dialing 9 from the room's landline!
  • Not forgetting, once you've left, the satisfaction survey sent out by e-mail, usually 48 hours after the event, which inevitably gathers too few contributions to be meaningful.

Messaging can be applied to all these uses, transforming them, making them easier and, above all, making the related services suddenly much more widely used. All this via the cell phone that travellers never leave home, even when they're by the pool. 

And beyond all these use cases, what a tremendous promise for a hotel team to be able to offer to open a "real", unique, personalized conversation by default, for each and every one of its guests. 

At Messaging Me, we firmly believe that this can play an immediate revenue-increasing role for the hotel, an immediate satisfaction-increasing role for the guest. And without necessarily adding significant investment costs in deployment or request processing. If it's well thought-out and modeled with ROI in mind!

Our tailor-made consultancy approach anticipates the right level of automation, the right choice of technical platform to redistribute conversations according to theme, and works upstream on the pain points linked to your establishment, your chain. 

Don't hesitate to ask us to share the details of these use cases with you.

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