🚀 Digitizing promo on WhatsApp - What if the good example came from the East?

🚀 Digitizing promo on WhatsApp - What if the good example came from the East?

Why not take a look at what's going on in Germany and Mitteleuropa? Here, a completely different disruptive approach: using WhatsApp's new format, the recently launched WhatsApp channels, which the French media and politicians have begun to seize upon.

We had the opportunity to talk about it at Messaging Me 📱

Over there, retailer Kaufland is pushing its promotions, and not just a little. Already 97,000 subscribers on its WhatsApp channel in Germany. And what's on it, promo, promo, promo. In Romania 37,000 subscribers, in Poland 29,000, etc.

It's free (for now) 🆓
there's a first-mover bonus, as usual with social networks. After all, we're talking about new social networks here. We had the chance to talk about it at Messaging Me (again) 🗣️
We've got metrics (and we can show off our muscles) 📊
It's in Whatsapp at the bottom left in the "news" section, and you can forward this content to one of your loved ones or to a group. 📲

It's free (for now, and this may not last as Meta often has the habit of testing a new service for free and then monetizing it in a second step) ⚠️
Analytics don't exist unless you count manually 🔢
there's no api that technical platforms can connect to ❌

In short, if you're a strong brand with an important promotional dimension, it's worth a look. It's free in theory, but it requires time, resources and a strategy, and that's something the Messaging Me teams would be delighted to consider with you. 🚀

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