Messaging, a universal marketing channel

Messaging, a universal marketing channel

"Your messaging time has increased again this week", could be the notification your smartphone sent you last Sunday morning.

Even more so? Yes, because from the personal sphere that gave it life to that of the professional world that gives it its hegemony, the messaging format is now universal, natural, industrial and sometimes even sensorial. 

How has this channel, whose omnipotence we don't always perceive in our daily lives, managed to impose itself? and to continue to be plural in spite of everything? 

Because its intrinsic qualities are above average, period. 

So, to go into a little more detail behind this conviction, let's recall what makes messaging a fundamentally different channel:

  • Intuitive: Simple and uncluttered, the conversation interface is "obvious" to everyone, and the most powerful features are gradually integrated.
  • Multicultural: it works for all alphabets and, better still, can even be used without writing, capitalizing on emojis and voice messages.
  • Accessible: It's mobile first in a world awash with smartphones, where everyone is a potential recipient, a universal audience!
  • Asynchronous: I can exchange information both live and recorded, and that changes everything: no more waiting, efficiency takes precedence over reactivity.

To be even more concrete, let's take 3 areas where he excels: 

#1 Product catalog consultation

  • Customization of the range
  • Easy transfer of existing content
  • Easy-to-deploy special offers
  • Sustainable vs. paper
  • Building loyalty through ongoing conversation

#2 Improving Customer Satisfaction

  • Snapshot
  • Easy to use, practical
  • Personalized relationship
  • Reliability
  • Privacy
  • Proximity and emotion
  • Rich, interactive content
  • Available 24/7

#3 Optimizing customer relations

  • Automation + conversation with an agent
  • Upsell with conversation history
  • Brand tone
  • Response quality
  • Synchronous / Asynchronous communication
  • Managing increased customer contact flows

At Messaging Me, we're convinced that you're just a few steps away from taking the plunge and going beyond traditional channels to converse with your customers and partners. We'll help you take the first step, and pave the way for you to accelerate!

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